Where to Seal Air Duct Leaks with RCD Mastics
Seal Heating & Cooling Air Ducts With Mastic & Save Energy. Leaking air ducts can be found in attics, crawlspaces, basements, garages, closets, ceilings & walls. Sealing all joints & seams with RCD Mastics will reduce wasted energy, lower monthly energy bills, reduce carbon emissions, and improve indoor air quality & comfort. Seal those areas highlighted in blue with RCD Mastic.

♦ Flashlight and/or head lamp with fresh batteries.
♦ Attics: a work board you can move around that will support your weight and span across two joists.
♦ One gallon pail and two or three caulk tubes of #6 Mastic .
♦ Caulk Gun and a Fin & Plenum Brush.
♦ 2-3 pairs of latex throw away gloves (when only your hand will fit).
♦ One roll of Glasscoat fiberglass mesh.
♦ 2-3 rags/towels, a spray bottle of water-based cleaner for wiping joints clean before applying mastic.
♦ Utility knife and telescoping inspection mirror.
♦ Pliers, screw driver and tin snips (you never know what you’ll run into).
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